Jetpack Compose MVVM for Beginners
Published: Aug. 2, 2021
Lectures: 54
Total video time: 12:02:43

Jetpack Compose MVVM for Beginners
If you restart this course, all your progress will be reset
Part 1 - Project Setup
Install Android Studio 4.2 Canary
Jetpack Compose Setup
Column Layouts
Row Layouts
Fragments with Jetpack Compose (Interoperability)
Navigation Component with Jetpack Compose
Part 2 - Architecture
The Best Architecture for Jetpack Compose
Core Business Model
Recipe Network Entity
Mapping a Domain Model to a Network Entity
Network Layer Setup
DTO's and Entities in Software Architecture
Repository Setup
Hilt Dependency Injection
Hilt ViewModels and Dependency Injection
Providing Retrofit Instance and Repository
Persisting data in ViewModels with MutableState
Part 3 - Displaying List Data in UI
Jetpack Compose alpha-09 Updates
RecyclerView and CardView (LazyColumn and Card)
Asynchronously Load Images with Glide
Capturing User Input
SearchView Toolbar
Horizontal Scrollable Row
Togglable Chips in Toolbar
Scroll Position of Scrollable Row
State Hoisting
Part 4 - Animations and Loading
Loading with Circular Progress Bar
Constraint Layout
Animations Introduction
Heart Animation
Shimmer Loading Animation
Part 5 - Theming in Jetpack Compose
Dark Theme and Light Theme
Custom Fonts
Scaffold and Slot APIs
Snackbar, SnackbarState and SnackbarHostState
Managing Snackbar's with Scaffold
Part 6 - Pagination
Pagination for the Recipe API
Part 7 - Unidirectional Data Flow
Unidirectional Data Flow and State Events
Restoring State after Process Death
Part 8 - Recipe Fragment
Sending Data from Fragment to Fragment
Recipe Fragment ViewModel and State Events
Recipe Detail Screen
Shimmer Animation for a Detail Screen
Part 9 - Improvements
Reducing Code Duplication using the App Theme
Part 1 - Project Setup
Install Android Studio 4.2 Canary
Jetpack Compose Setup
Column Layouts
Row Layouts
Fragments with Jetpack Compose (Interoperability)
Navigation Component with Jetpack Compose
Part 2 - Architecture
The Best Architecture for Jetpack Compose
Core Business Model
Recipe Network Entity
Mapping a Domain Model to a Network Entity
Network Layer Setup
DTO's and Entities in Software Architecture
Repository Setup
Hilt Dependency Injection
Hilt ViewModels and Dependency Injection
Providing Retrofit Instance and Repository
Persisting data in ViewModels with MutableState
Part 3 - Displaying List Data in UI
Jetpack Compose alpha-09 Updates
RecyclerView and CardView (LazyColumn and Card)
Asynchronously Load Images with Glide
Capturing User Input
SearchView Toolbar
Horizontal Scrollable Row
Togglable Chips in Toolbar
Scroll Position of Scrollable Row
State Hoisting
Part 4 - Animations and Loading
Loading with Circular Progress Bar
Constraint Layout
Animations Introduction
Heart Animation
Shimmer Loading Animation
Part 5 - Theming in Jetpack Compose
Dark Theme and Light Theme
Custom Fonts
Scaffold and Slot APIs
Snackbar, SnackbarState and SnackbarHostState
Managing Snackbar's with Scaffold
Part 6 - Pagination
Pagination for the Recipe API
Part 7 - Unidirectional Data Flow
Unidirectional Data Flow and State Events
Restoring State after Process Death
Part 8 - Recipe Fragment
Sending Data from Fragment to Fragment
Recipe Fragment ViewModel and State Events
Recipe Detail Screen
Shimmer Animation for a Detail Screen
Part 9 - Improvements
Reducing Code Duplication using the App Theme